It can be tricky when contemplating how to choose figure skates, which ones to get. Getting your own pair is definitely a good idea if you intend to skate regularly. You will save money in the long run by buying your own skates and will feel a lot more comfortable. When it comes to how to choose figure skates. There are some simple tips that will help you along the way.
How to choose figure skates? Choose the best pair for you. Not the best pair that your friend thinks are great, or fits them well. The best pair for you.
class="wp-block-heading">How to choose figure skates that are the best for you – Selecting the brand
There are many different manufacturers of figure skates, they all fit slightly differently. When it comes to how to choose figure skates, the key is to find the manufacturer that fits you best. This normally means trying on a couple of figure skates from different manufacturers. That is unless you know for sure that you have an Edea shaped foot, or a Jackson shaped foot for example.
Get your feet measured – the first step in how to choose figure skates
Its best to get your feet measured by a professional. Its a bit more complicated than getting your feet measured for shoes. When you get your feet measured for figure skates, they take all kinds if different measurements.
As well as the length of your foot, they measure the width of your foot at the ball of the toe, they also measure your foot when your weight is on it (As this makes you foot wider). There is a specific angle across the ball of the foot where this width measurement is taken.
Once you have your correct measurement, you are ready to start trying on boots.

How to choose the correct brand of figure skates
May be everyone at your rink is wearing Edea, or maybe Jackson. What ever everyone else is wearing doesn’t really matter too much. You need to find the boot that is the best fit for your foot and does what you want it to do.
Figure skates boots are made on a dye, this dye is called a ‘last’. Every company that makes figure skates has a different ‘last’. The trick is to find a company that has a ‘last’ that most resembles your foot.
Now that you have your size, through getting your feet professionally measured, you need to try on the different brands of figure skates, to find out which one is the best for you.

Getting to try on different figure skates – This may be harder than you think
The trouble is, that your foot is a particular length and a particular width. You might have an idea of the brands you want to try on, but getting them to actually try on may be harder then you think.
If you are lucky, your local skate shop will have one of the brands you have in mind to try on, if you are really lucky, they will have the model that you want, in the size you need. If you are really really lucky, they will have the correct width too.
Skate shops may not have the figure skates that you want to try on
More often than not, they won’t have the exact size, but they will order it in for you to try on. At this point you need to ask if its OK for the shop to return them if they don’t fit. Some shops will only order figure skates if you are going to keep them. Not all shops will order figure skates in for you just to try on. So make sure you are clear on the rules before you order.
How to choose figure skates – the best scenario
The best scenario is where you have found a figure skate supplier, that either have, or will order in several figure skates for you to try on. If you can find a person or a shop that is willing to order in a couple of figure skates for you to try on, then you have struck gold.
This way you will be able to directly compare a couple of different types to find out the pair that fits the best.

How to choose figure skates and buy online
There are plenty of retailers that sell online and that have a returns policy. Now that you have your size, it is possible to buy online. There can be financial savings online too.

Check the suppliers returns policy before you buy any figure skates from them
Once you have checked their returns policy, to make sure that you can return the skates should you find that they do not fit. Its fine to order. This way you can try on another pair, to see which fits you best.
How to choose figure skates – The correct level for your skating ability
Buying the best figure skates possible, designed for the highest level of figure skating may not be the best idea.
OK, figure skates are not cheap, so we all want a pair that are going to last us a while. That might mean that we get a pair of figure skates that will allow for our growing ability.
The trouble is, the higher end the skates are, for the triple jumps etc, the tougher they are. That also means that they can be uncomfortable and difficult to break in, especially if you are not skating several times a week.

Choose figure skates for your ability or just above
If you are just learning your first jump, spending hundreds on a pair of figure skates that are designed for jumping triples and quads is a bad idea. Getting boots that will take you up to double jumps will be fine.
Its not always as simple as that, some manufacturers will have figure skating boots for single jumps, then the next model takes you up to triples. It which case, you may need to consider which to go for.
You want a pair that will stay with your increasing abilities for a few years, but you don’t want to be ‘over booted’. That is to say that you have boots that are way above your skating ability.
How to choose figure skates that fit well – How they should feel
When trying on figure skates, you want them to feel nice and snug. When you try on regular shoes, you don’t want them to be tight at all, you want them to just feel comfy. Its not quite the same when you are trying on figure skates.
You do want your skates to feel comfy, because if they feel uncomfortable when you try them on, the chances are they are only going to get worse. As a rule, you should feel comfy in them when you try them on, then they get a bit uncomfortable whilst you are breaking them in, then they go really comfy when they are broken in.

How much room around my foot when choosing figure skates?
You want your foot to come almost to the end of the boot, but you don’t want your toes hitting the end. The boot should gently hug the smaller toes without scrunching them up.
When the boots are laces up, you should feel like your heel is locked into the back of the boot, like it wouldn’t ride up if you were to step forward.
You should feel like your ankle is being supported from the sides, without too much pressure on your ankles.
If you liked this article, then you might enjoy ‘How do I stop my ice skate blades from rusting?’
When you have new boots and blades, it’s nice to know how to keep your figure skates in tip top condition. There are several great tips for stopping your blades from rusting.
- How to dry your blades
- How to store your blades between skating
And many more tips on keeping your blades in perfect condition for years to come. Check out our article on ‘How do I stop my ice skate blades from rusting’.